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The main sources of self-learning (for all languages 2021)


The main sources of self-learning (for all languages 2021)

sources of self-learning
sources of self-learning

The concept of self-learning has been emerging in recent years, and many sources of self-learning have emerged,

 but it has begun to become more popular and many have turned to its importance in 2020.

This coincided with the spread of the Corona virus, and Governments were forced to impose homekeeping on their citizens, 

close schools and universities and prevent any gatherings, thereby moving students and teachers to distance learning via the Internet.

Many have also turned to different self-learning sources to take advantage of their time during the Home Stone period, as many companies 

have discontinued them, thus making employees have more free time to use in their own development.

Self-learning sites have also played their part and contributed to the global crisis caused by the Corona virus, making cuts and 

presentations on their training courses.

This is to encourage people to self-learn during this period, to take advantage of the considerable time spent at home in the period 

of home stone, and to alleviate the difficulty we all experience.

The main sources of self-learning 

There are many and diverse sources of self-learning, there are books you can learn from in public and private libraries

 and bookshops, as well as online libraries, and there are also different channels on YouTube that offer training courses in different fields free of charge.

The most popular sources are the various self-learning sites, both foreign and Arab. They offer training courses in all areas

, including free of charge, as well as in material exchange, and there is a diversity of prices.

Some world universities also offer some of their courses on different platforms, and you can go to a world university and study in your home online.

And that became more acceptable and accessible after the Corona virus crisis, so now you don't need to travel to learn 

at a university abroad, it's easier than before.

Sources are numerous and diverse, and that gives you the freedom to choose and find what suits you better:

1. Books as sources of self-learning 

Some may think that books have become an ancient way of learning and collecting knowledge, given the technological 

advances we now experience and the use of the Internet in all aspects of life.

But books still retain their status and scientific value, and what we get will not lose their relevance even 

with the Internet, and books have also entered the world of technology and the Internet.

Many public libraries have a digital version online, where you can access it and read all the books you want

 free of charge, and publishers are also selling electronic copies of paper books.

Books will continue to hold a very important, indispensable place for anyone who wants to learn and know, you can easily 

search for popular online public libraries, and you will find many of them that make books available digitally over the Internet.

One of the most important sources of access to books is:

1. Library of Alexandria

And with its long history and rich scientific content of various books in different fields 

and languages, you can search the Library's catalogue on its website for whatever books you want, and you'll find the Library's full

 contents in your hands to easily identify the bookstores inside the Library.

You can also access the Library of Alexandria's digital library, search for the books you want, read

 them and download them from your home without having to go to the library.

2. Public libraries: 

You can go to public libraries, culture palaces, the school library if you're still in school, or the university

 library if you're in college, and all these sources offer books free of charge.

3. Intel Archive: 

It is considered to be a huge and very important digital library, containing millions of free books

 associated with university libraries, and also offers films, music clips, websites, etc.

4. Various libraries and publishing houses: 

Which is a very important source of self-learning, as well as various

 web sites, and you can wait for the book fair where libraries and publishing houses from all over the Arab world come together.

You can find books from different cultures from you, as well as offers and discounts on books at these events.

5. Used old bookstores: 

They are sold at very low prices, but attention is not paid to stolen books 

or any illicit form, and the author's intellectual property rights trust and publishing house have been preserved.

No matter how expensive the original books are, this is the author's right, and he is free to appreciate the book 

at the price he wants, for his fatigue, his effort, his science and the money, time and effort he spent on that science.

The high price of the book does not give us the freedom to steal it from the Internet, or to illegally buy it from

 places that sell it at an unduly lower price.

It states that some writers and publishers are at risk of bankruptcy and loss because dishonest merchants 

improperly stole their books, or an unscrupulous person stole them and put them on the Internet.

2. YouTube channels as self-learning sources 

There are countless channels on YouTube, which offer educational videos in various fields, including those that offer structured educational links.

This information can be provided in a particular field by specialists, and it can be a person studying it, and it can 

convey its experience and what it learns to its followers via YouTube.

Anyway, I don't consider YouTube to be an essential and powerful source for anyone who wants to go 

deep into a particular area, but it's a very useful and important source as a start, and you know that you really want to study this area.

It provides you with a lot of information without having to spend a lot of money on studying a particular area, and

 then you find out that you don't like this area and you don't want to study it, which is very important.

But there are also areas that you can learn and master highly through YouTube, like languages and some handwork and art, if you can find the right source.

Although I see that at some point we need to spend some money on learning to get more valuable information that distinguishes us from others.

But you can postpone this step to an advanced stage, where you can dispense with it at the beginning and rely on YouTube material.

3. Global and foreign self-learning platforms

There are countless global self-learning sites that are constantly growing in number. We will talk about a variety 

of major foreign self-learning sites, and we will learn about their nature, specialization and the most important features.

All of these sites do an account of them via your email, so you can access them and access the courses in them.

Here's a list of the most important platforms:

1. Coursera

Coursera is one of the most important and popular self-learning sites around the world, partnering

 with a number of recognized universities and educational institutions around the world.

The website offers training courses in all areas in different languages. Some courses are offered free of charge and others are paid. Prices vary and options vary widely.

2. Edx

The "edx" platform comprises more than 160 global universities offering courses, with a very large number of learners around 

the world, offering courses free of charge or at material cost, and giving students examinations and certificates

 after the course has been completed; Which the student gets after paying a certain fee.

3. Udemy

It is a global online learning and teaching platform, with (50) million students and (150) thousand training courses.

 The site is known for its specialized training courses in technology and programming, but includes many others.

There are training courses in about 50 different languages, and the site collaborates with a large number of universally 

known professors and educational institutions to ensure the quality of its delivery.

4. Open Culture

Open Culture has a variety of educational materials in the sources, in the form of various training courses, audio materials, as well

 as an important collection of audio books.

All these materials are entirely free of charge, but if you want to get a certificate after you've 

completed a certain training course, you need to pay a fee to get a certificate.

There is also a very important section on educational materials for school-age students from kindergarten to secondary 

school, which includes photo tutorials, mobile phone applications, books, websites, etc.

All training courses on the platform are provided by important global universities such as: Stanford, Yale, Harvard, Oxford, MIT, etc.

5. Academic Earth

The Academic Earth website is a very important online platform for university training courses offered free of charge, 

with a collection of original videos of training courses offered at major universities and higher institutes around the world.

And that allows you to learn about science materials and teaching methods that are offered at other 

universities that aren't in your country and you're in your place without having to travel, and you can learn 

about science subjects and materials that aren't only offered in your country with a button.

6. Brightstorm

Brightstrom believes that a great education starts with a great teacher, so they've brought 

together a number of the best teachers around the world, made high-quality videos of them, and most 

of the teachers on the site have high degrees, and have good experience in the teaching process.

This platform offers training courses for teachers, students and guardians, and allows its students to learn by the best teachers in the world.

The platform offers basic subjects at the secondary level, with courses in science, mathematics and English and each course with tests.

The site is a monthly, semi-annual or annual subscription, but at a fairly average price, and the longer the subscription

, such as the annual or semi-annual subscription, the lower the price and the larger the discounts, and at first you get a free week

 that allows you to experience the site.

4. Arabic self-learning platforms

There are a large number of Arab self-learning sites that also have a large number of training courses in all areas, 

including sites that offer their full courses free of charge, and other sites that offer some of their courses in exchange for material and others free of charge.

There are too many of these platforms we won't be able to talk about all of them, but we'll talk about a variety in which

 you can find what you're looking for, all you have to do is create your own account on the website via your email, and start learning fun.

Here's a list of the most important platforms:

1. Your Knowledge 

It is one of the most important and popular Arab self - learning sites launched at the initiative of the Queen Rania Foundation for Education and Development.

The Cognition platform has two main sections: continuous learning, which offers training courses in all areas, and school learning,

 which offers programmes similar to those taught by students at all school levels.

All courses are offered in Arabic and by Arab and foreign experts and academics.

The platform works in collaboration with edx, one of the world's leading educational platforms at Harvard University and MIT.

The Awareness platform offers all its courses free of charge to learners, with learners having access to free completion certificates.

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2. El Mentor

Most of the training courses are in exchange for material and some are free of charge. The site also offers offers 

and discounts on continuously paid training courses.

The Mentor platform also offers free videos and books that you can download while preserving

 intellectual property rights, which is a very important site.

3. Opportunity

It is a specialized platform for offering various educational and training opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa,

 offering training courses in various fields free of charge, as well as certificates for learners after they have completed training courses.

Some of its courses are in Arabic and some are in English. The platform also offers many other and diverse services from any other platform.

4. Knowledge

An accredited educational platform offering courses free of charge with certified certificates, comprising 3 million

 online learners, the "knowledge" platform offers courses in all fields of science, art and technology, as well as languages, entrepreneurship and marketing.

The platform has about 12 thousand courses From what's in Arabic and from what's in English, you can choose from what suits you.

5. Google Skills Service

Google is a service offered by Google to provide free Arabic language training courses with certified digital certificates provided by Google on a free basis.

These courses are offered to learners to improve their digital skills, qualify for a job in the labour market, and to entrepreneurs 

to help them grow their business.

Tips to succeed in your journey of self-learning 

After we talked about self-learning and different self-learning sources, we knew the importance of this method in learning 

and developing one's skills and information.

We have to point out a very important thing, which is that self-learning in all the abundance and positivity 

that some do not succeed or continue to do so, and they face some problems that make them think that it is a failed and useless way.

This is due to a person's own mismanagement of his or her learning process, in self-learning you are fully free 

to choose the scientific materials you want to study, and to choose the right time to study.

With little experience, many fall into the trap of procrastination, unfulfilled and bored, and then quit the learning process,

 so I'm going to give you some advice that will help you accomplish and complete the learning process and take self-learning as a way

 of life to ensure your continued success and development.

1-If this is your first time in self-learning, it is better to start learning something that you love and find your passion, 

so that you can feel excited and enjoy, and thus continue to learn and achieve tangible achievement that will bring you happiness and success.

2-At the outset, set yourself a simple goal, which is divided into simple parts and continued.

But don't rush yourself and get excited at first and set yourself big goals, and when you stumble into it you feel 

failed and frustrated and stop learning and trying, now we're building a new habit and it takes time and step-up to keep going.

3-Some have a problem with not being able to organize their time and falling into the trap of procrastination. To avoid this problem,

 set very little time at the beginning, let it be one hour a week or even half an hour, and you can divide it by the days but set fixed 

places in your weekly schedule and stick to it.

As we agreed, it does not matter at first how many hours I spent a week in self-learning, but it is important for us to gain a habit 

of commitment and continuity.

4-At the outset, it is very important not to go with the current and study certain scientific materials or areas simply 

because many around you talk about their importance and the material benefits they can bring when they are in operation,

 and you know that you do not like such areas.

At least at the beginning you don't, because you may feel squeezed and restless and unable to continue, make sure there's a lot of different

 areas and you're sure to find among them what you like and find your passion and bring you money.

5-It is only after you have made sure that you really like this area that you start paid training courses, and I recommend

 that you start free courses and YouTube videos.

So you can get a good look at the area you want, so you know if it suits you or not and then you invest your money in it.

6-Keep notes on the information you learn so that you can go back and review it afterwards, which will be very useful in preparing for tests.

Future of teaching and self-learning: 

We're now on the threshold of a new phase where we see traditional schools and universities shut down, replaced by different 

platforms and an online learning system.

Some may think that this is temporary and that after the Corona crisis ends everything will come back to normal, and education 

will return to normal, but I believe that even after the crisis passes and we emerge peacefully, self-learning is the future.

The idea of eliminating schools and universities in their current traditional form may spread and become more dependent on self-learning, which is possible.

Once a person had to travel from place to place and from country to country to receive science, but now anyone who is a person 

can receive science, and study what they want sitting in their own home, whatever their place in this world.

Some people have already begun to implement this idea, and some parents have made the decision to teach their children this way 

without their children attending a particular school.

This allows parents to move freely and travel with their children from country to country even at school times, not being bound by school

 and leave dates, if the nature of their work requires them to travel and to move frequently, so they do not need to miss 

their children for long periods of time while travelling.

Not only children, there are also university-age adults who dispense with the idea of attending university and self-taught the courses they love.

They choose what they want to study and get a degree, they can work in jobs normally and they have not graduated from any university.

They are also older than university and have never attended university, or have attended university, but are dissatisfied with their specialization 

and love a major other than the one they have studied.

They find that they have not missed the opportunity and have the possibility to follow their passion and study what they like

, without any restriction, and to obtain certificates that qualify them for this specialization.

The idea of abolishing schools and universities would provide much of the need for human potential, reduce excess effort and fill 

the human resource deficit in education, if any, in any State.

It will also ease the pressure on the teacher to work in more than one semester at different and consecutive times, which may drain 

his or her energy. He or she can explain the lesson once, register and be seen by a large number of students.

The idea of interaction between a teacher and a student in the classroom is, however, very important and cannot be definitively neglected, 

but time can then be devoted to students' questions.

This idea may solve the shortage of classrooms and schools to accommodate the numbers of students and learners, which was the reason why 

some students were unable to attend school.

I really don't know exactly if the idea of cancelling traditional schools and universities once and for all and relying on full self-learning is good or not.

I think schools and universities can continue and rely on them less, for example, with more self-learning introduced than is happening now

, and more widely available and available to be relied upon for the most.

I personally can't imagine the idea of closing schools and universities completely and finally at least in our Arab homeland 

in the current period, but no one knows or can tell how it's going to work. This year, we saw a lot of things that didn't come to our mind.



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