How to become more productive with practical, effective and proven steps in 2021
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How to Become More Productive |
The success of people in their working lives is related to their productivity. The more productive a person is in his life, the more
he starts his steady steps to achieve his goals and develop his working life.
As for the definition of productivity, it is not related only to too many tasks, as many believe that the person producing is a busy
person all the time, does several tasks at the same time and has no time for any other aspect of his life, but this is a mistaken belief.
The most productive person is someone who can reach his or her goals at the lowest time and with the least effort.
And here comes the important question, what do you do to be more productive? And the answer is to talk about it in this article,
which will discuss how to become more productive, and what problems impede your productivity? And how do you solve it?
And we're going to filter you some apps that help you be more productive, and some habits that, if you gain, of course,
will affect your productivity.
Effective steps to become more productive 2021
First: Watch your time
There's no doubt that time is the primary influence that helps you be more productive.
Here's an easy and practical way to keep an eye on your time and figure out how to spend your day: 00
Get a paper and a pen, and make a split table of 24 places that represent the number of hours of your day.
The basic hours occupied by daily activities - 8 hours for sleep, 8 hours for work and another hour for different activities - were shadowed.
You'll notice 7 hours a day without a target, or 50 hours a week without specific targets.
You can underestimate this figure, but if you count 50 hours a week over the average human life, it's many years of wasted time.
As the poetic house said, "One's heartbeat tells him that life is minutes and seconds." Watch out because your age
is wasted, and try not to waste your time while being able to pass every minute of your life better makes you more productive.
Second: Set your goals
According to a scientific study published in 2011 in the journal Applied Psychology, which discusses topics on psychiatry.
The results of this study confirmed that clear and detailed targeting has a positive and effective impact on the successful achievement of the goals.
It should be noted that there is a practical tool that helps you define your goals and priorities, which was invented by the scientist Paul Meyer,
a pioneer in training, and called "The Circle of Life."
This tool is used by scientists in training, and it helps you set your goals by observing how you spend your time, satisfaction and happiness
on every part of your life.
To implement them, implement the following:
Get a paper and a pen.
Draw a split circle for 8 parts. These parts represent the 8 categories of your life responsible for your happiness. These eight
parts are (practical, physical, health, family and friends, life partner, self-development, volunteering, entertainment and fun).
For each part you value yourself from 1 to 10, and for your assessment to be effective answer some questions that are specific to each part.
Here are some questions that you have to answer on each side:
Practical aspect:
Do you like what you do, and are you satisfied with your current work?
Do you work in a field where you want to continue and develop yourself?
Does it come back to you if you need enough?
Physical aspect:
Is all your income material enough for you?
Are you dependent only on yourself on the physical side?
Do you have any debts?
Is money the only way to make you happy?
Health aspect:
How much do you care about your mental and physical health?
Do you feel good about your external appearance?
Do you have any chronic diseases?
Parents and friends:
Do you have friends you trust?
Life partner side:
Are you satisfied with your partner?
The aspect of self-development:
Are you open to experimenting with new and different experiments?
Are you working hard to develop yourself?
Recreational aspect:
Do you have any hobbies?
Do you devote some time to your hobbies and entertainment?
Voluntary aspect:
Do you have the theme of helping others?
Do you have a chance to help others that doesn't affect the rest of your life?
After you've finished answering the previous questions, put yourself on a partial assessment.
If the score from 8 to 10 means you're satisfied with this part, but keep it evolving.
And if it's 7 to 5, you need to devote more time to developing this part.
If 1 to 4 means you're short, and you need a specific plan to work on that part, because it can cause you some problems in your life,
and hinder you to be more productive.
Then analyze the result by answering some of the following questions:
What's the lowest part in terms of the number of points?
What's the perfect score for you for every part? It's not a condition that the perfect result is 10. It could be less according to your priorities.
What outcome do you want to reach after months or years?
In the end, you now have a detailed assessment of your life, which brings you to balance, and that's the main goal of the Life Circle experiment.
In other words, if you spend most of your time working, the higher points will be on the work side and the physical side, so you can find yourself
falling short with parents and life partners and volunteering.
And that's a glitch, and you might underestimate it at first because your current priorities are your work, but over time it will also affect
your work and be less productive at work, because you don't balance your life in general, that balance that makes you more productive.
Third: Follow Task Management Fund Method
This is a box for redressing this glitch that I found when implementing the previous steps of the Life Circle. It's steps that help you
set your priorities in a way that enables you to carry out all the tasks required of you, and balance all aspects of your life,
which ultimately qualifies you as being more productive.
First, set specific steps that are appropriate for each part depending on your priorities, and you can do so by using the way of former US President
David Eisenhower
He was one of the most productive people, and even managed to sustain it for several years. David was following the Task Management
Fund method, which is to classify your life tasks into four types.
You can classify these tasks through a four-part split square work:
Part I represents important and urgent tasks.
The second part represents important tasks that are not urgent.
Part III represents non-urgent tasks.
Part IV represents non-urgent tasks.
This tool has the advantage of helping you to divide your time in a balanced way, setting your day's most important priorities,
but the advice of the psychologist David Primark is that, in carrying out urgent tasks, you must first do the difficult tasks,
and then then the easy tasks you like to have an incentive to complete the rest of the tasks.
To validate this theory, studies have already emerged on workers at a fast food restaurant who have many urgent tasks. Their superiors
promised them that if they completed these tasks well, they would move them to places where they liked more.
And the result was, in fact, that they completed their job perfectly, at less time, because they had an incentive,
but neither did you and the multiple tasks at the same time.
In doing so, you deceive yourself, and you will be immediately distracted, sometimes lazy, and fail to complete
the many tasks as well, as opposed to having you focus on one task and when you finish it you move on to the second.
So we can say that multitasking reduces your productivity by at least 90 percent. And the bottom line is that now that you've set goals,
set priorities, set a plan with specific dates, what if you don't become more productive after all this arrangement, look for what's impeding your productivity.
The main obstacles to productivity and how to deal with them
You may have some obstacles on your way to achieving your goals, and these obstacles prevent you from getting more productive.
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The main obstacles include:
1. Procrastination
It is a form of self-regulation failure, which is an illogical delay, although there are potential negative consequences.
But what are the reasons why you have to turn around?
There are psychological reasons and scientific explanations for this. These psychological reasons include:
Lack of self - confidence.
Fear from the beginning.
Accumulating tasks that can cause you psychological stress.
Hesitation and you may have an obstacle in making decisions.
The quest for perfection, the wait for ideal conditions, certainly leads to a constant postponement.
It has been scientifically explained that procrastination and the feeling of unwillingness to accomplish a particular task at the time
you set yourself, in your mind, stimulates pain centers and actually translates into pain.
And so the mind tries to distract you from that pain with the pleasant idea of postponing and finding a fun alternative, like browsing social media
on your phone, or getting some sleep, or eating some delicious foods and more.
And all these alternatives are not to waste your time, and a temporary sense of comfort and pleasure, and you have to do it within the time
of entertainment and fun, but you still have to do the job, so what's the solution?
Treatment of procrastination
The beginning of solving any problem, identifying it, recognizing it. First determine the cause of procrastination, for example,
if the task is large and takes a long time, divide it and break it up for small tasks.
These small tasks are divided by fewer times, and as each small task is completed, you will feel accomplished and close to reaching the big task.
And that certainly makes you give yourself a chance to take simple steps if you experience a lack of self-confidence, hesitation,
fear from the beginning, and as you continue to exercise tasks, you gain flexibility and become more productive.
Forgive yourself if there's any waste of time on your mission, which will help you abandon idealism.
On the contrary, I care that you reward yourself if you complete the task on time, so that you have an incentive to complete the rest of your tasks,
and that makes us move on to the second productivity impediment, which is that there is no incentive.
2. Lack of incentive
To encourage yourself with incentives is a very important factor for the continuity of productivity, and for any task to be accomplished,
an incentive is needed to encourage you to complete it.
The Department of Psychologists is the catalyst for 3 components:
Stimulation is the stimulation of reason and the decision to act, persistence is the determination and continuity, and the intensity is the degree
of focus during the task.
If there's motivation, your productivity increases dramatically.
Remedy for lack of incentive to produce
Identify a reason for every job you do, and always ask yourself why you do it. So if he finds the reason, he finds the incentive to start.
Overcome with boredom, speak to yourself with positive words that encourage him, resist any negative feelings within you,
and never forget the element of reward that makes you more motivated.
Productivity Elements
Productivity is divided into three components:
First Time
Many of us complain that he doesn't have time, but that's a misconception, so if you organize your time, determine the number of hours
available for work, for example, self-development hours and so on, you get excellent results.
It's also important that you identify the most focused times you have, and make it your job to be more productive.
Second Energy
Your daily energy is influenced by two types of factors, psychological or mental, and other physical factors.
Physical factors are affected by sleep for enough hours, healthy food, exercise, psychological factors are affected by the news, and the content
they follow daily on social media.
You need to avoid following bad news and negative content at the beginning of your day, because that's going to get you a negative card,
run out of mind, and reduce your productivity. Social Media can be used to pursue meaningful content that helps you develop in your field.
Third Focus
The focus is divided into two types:
First, focus on the hourly level of minutes.
It must focus on only one task, and one that follows the other to the end of the day.
You have to understand that dispersion reduces productivity, and the dispersion problem can be cured by using the 10-minute law.
It's that you test your concentration for 10 to 15 minutes, and then you focus on doing just one thing, and you walk away from any dispersal.
If you do this little exercise every day, of course, it will become more focused and productive, and don't forget the Pomodoro style I just mentioned to you.
Second, focus on the level of months and years
In order to increase your focus over a longer period of time, try not to jump between many projects or tasks at the same time, even if you have difficulty
with this in a project or task that is patient and persistent, as long as you are confident that the project will benefit you and plan it correctly.
In conclusion, he focused on one goal and then moved to the other to become more productive, and to fall into a dispersal trap as the psychologist Francis
Booth called it in his book "The Dispersion Trap," so that today our minds are infected with what is known as Monkey mend.
It's the term monkey mind, and it's just an analogy to the huge amount of dispersion that we've been experiencing on a daily basis lately,
by traveling between the Media Sushil apps on the phone.
How do you get out of the dispersal trap?
Set for social Media a certain time during the day outside of work time.
Turn off all digital distractions on the job.
Use apps that help you focus and manage your time smartly.
Applications that help you to be more productive
There are a lot of applications that help you be more productive, including:
1. Work Application or Feature
It's the addition of a computer browser temporarily blocking sites that can distract you and waste your time.
This application is compatible with Pomodoro technique, because it blocks you for 25 minutes, which is the time it takes to do your job.
All you have to do is identify for the app the locations that distract you, and there are also some apps on the phone that do the same job as App lock,
and of course that will make you more focused and therefore more productive.
There are also applications that help you list your day-to-day tasks, so you shouldn't rely on knowing these tasks without writing them, because
that's a possibility of forgetting some of them.
On the other hand, writing tasks will help you not miss a lot of fun when you evaluate your performance at the end of the day, and you find
that you've done most of your daily tasks.
2. Microsoft to do application
This is one of the task-narrative applications, which includes the Repeat feature for daily recurring tasks, and if your task involves several steps,
you can write step by step.
You can also plan for the next day or the entire month, and the due date feature to set a specific date for each assignment plus a reminder alert option.
3. Tick Application
This application is characterized by the Pomodoro technique, which helps you to get rid of stalling. It is a method based on the division of your tasks
into small parts or small sessions each session lasting 25 minutes and then 5 minutes rest, and after 4 sessions the rest is extended.
It's a practical application of maintaining focus and not letting boredom permeate your tasks. Many employers when experimenting
with this feature showed effective results in raising their productivity.
The application shows you in every task how long it took you, how long I spent to complete every task, so you're more conscious of your time,
and don't forget to walk away from the distractions on the job until the experiment is successfully completed, and to be more productive.
I care about the health triangle, and it's sleep, healthy food, sports. Many people think that the most productive person is someone
who's not sleeping, but that's wrong.
Because if you keep enough sleep a day, it's going to make you more able and productive, and studies have shown that sleeping 7 to 9 hours a day
helps you focus more, and improves your health.
As for sports, no matter how busy you are every day, keep even a little time daily for some exercise, try to replace the elevator with a daily ladder,
and in order to complete the health triangle, you must care about eating healthy food, and of course if you get used to these habits,
you will notice an effective change in your productivity.
And because you deserve to be more productive, I always keep trying, and I promise you that if you follow the practical steps that we've shown
in this article, based on the experiments of psychologists and specialists, you'll start the first step on your way to becoming more productive.
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