How to be a successful manager (mistakes you need to avoid and advice you need to follow IN 2021)
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How to be a successful manager |
Some think that leadership is good and management is bad (meaning management is causing damage to the project!). But that's a completely false belief. You have to be a manager first and then you have leadership skills, not the other way around.
A leader is an attractive and inspiring person who is followed by people who appreciate his opinion, but who does not necessarily possess the logistical skills needed to manage.
Leadership is a branch of the department, but if you're not a commanding director, you'll have a lot of problems, and you're in an enviable position! You have to learn how to be a successful manager, and also have leadership skills.
Did you know that 50-80% of managers fail to achieve their goals, and when 99% ask why they are managers? The answer is, it's great to be a manager, and who answers "I don't know"?
In this article, you will learn how to be a successful manager and you can achieve your goals, win your task force, and let's start by first identifying the mistakes you have to avoid.
Months of 5 director errors and how to avoid them
To be a successful manager, first focus on the mistakes of your predecessors, and how did they solve and overcome them?
1. Non-authorization
Here are some scenarios that managers meet because of non-delegation:
Cannot complete tasks every day; Even though he works every day as a chicken decapitated.
He asks team members the details of everything, so he can't have a cup of coffee!
Senses that he's doing 4 or 5 positions.
cannot respond to his team and understand their own problems; Which affects his contact with his team.
The solution to that problem: Coaching your staff, and if the "I can do everything" mentality controls you, you'll definitely lose your team, so I ask the senior staff to train the team well.
2. Lack of communication
You often do meetings, you get no results.
The solution to that problem: Talk to your team about the best ways to communicate, and what organizational structure are they looking for for good communications?
This is in addition to making contact or personality tests with each member of the staff.
You can also put a big white blackboard in the office; For a clear vision for everyone in terms of goals, company news or projects and tasks.
3. Lack of respect for the position of Director
Employees come late and leave early, and if you ask for something they don't do. Think about what you did to get to that? You could have made a wrong decision about your employees or an arbitrary and unfair decision, which led to that mess you see before you!
So what's the solution?
Share your goals with your team, show them you're all in the same boat, and you also take responsibility Tell them how you became a manager, how your commitment helped you, and above all you have to do your job perfectly to set an example for them.
Honesty is the best policy you can follow; So I apologize if necessary.
Ask them through Monkey what they want you to look like until they do better.
4. Failure to complete work
Your senior boss tells you that you and your team are in cold water, and you don't stick to the job.
So you have to make an honest assessment of the situation from time to time, and ask yourself.
1. Is the team excited? If I don't ask them how they can be motivated.
2. Did everyone understand their job description, and were they notified on time? If he's not, you're very wrong about it.
You need to hold meetings and direct people to what they have to do, and you constantly assess the outcome, like restaurants that devote part of the day to tasting and checking on the quality of food.
3. Did you train your staff well? If not, that's a very complicated problem, so identify your team's missing skills, and train them immediately.
And you have a lot of options during this period, either bringing in a temporary staff member, hiring Freelancers, or bringing in a new staff member with skills.
4. Have you organized your team to the fullest extent? If it doesn't. As Director, one of your most important roles in organizing the team, and determine what is the best way to organize? You are assisted by a project management program or a time tracking program.
5. Dislike of being a manager
Some people do not want to become managers so that they do not take much responsibility, others like it; So be honest with yourself .Is being a good manager for you? And ask yourself:
Are you mired in responsibilities? Or can't you manage time well?
Can you train yourself in good listening skills?
Can you do certain tasks to change some things on your team that you don't like?
What makes you so dissatisfied with running your team?
And after answering those questions. You'll certainly have a full picture of why you're not satisfied with being a manager.
And then you can think of:
1. Telling your senior boss the problem is that you've inherited a team that's unhappy with him or you feel trapped, and you don't have the freedom to make decisions, because you have a higher duty to involve those who are above you with everything.
2. Flexible yourself on how to deal with stress, and make your self - care of your priorities so you have the energy to do your duties.
3. Think about solutions, you may sometimes need a lemon cup to calm your nerves, and there's always a solution to everything no matter how hard it may be. You just need more creativity or help from others.
If you want to know how to be a successful manager inspires others? I would like to tell you that, according to the Del Carnegie training study, three quarters of the staff are not doing their job fully;
Because of their poor relationships with their supervisors or managers, which means human relations have a significant impact.
So if you want to be a successful manager, follow the following advice:
Important advice for becoming a successful manager
Successful managers follow some behavior that enables them to achieve their goals, and you, Director, how can you be a successful manager? Ask yourself first what botches supervisors make to evade.
They also recognize the distinctive things their successful ancestors follow to achieve their goals, as the best way they can learn from others.
1. Be Frank
First thing I want to tell you about how to be a successful manager? If the bad news isn't gentle, you don't dodge the facts, you don't try to manipulate the minds of your employees, trust is the gatekeeper.
Successful managers inspire their team members to be honest and direct; Even if the news isn't a bit acceptable.
Honesty and honesty not only enhance trust, but encourage an open culture within the work environment, reduce rumors and frustrating misinterpretation of staff, and increase staff efficiency.
2.Put the correct individuals in the ideal spot.
In "From Good to Great," Jim Collins states that it is the great leaders who begin to bring "the right people to the edge, the wrong people from the bus, what's more, the perfect individuals in the correct seats," and shows that individuals can make more when they are in the correct occupation for them.
Applying the idea of suitable jobs would be better than changing people to fit the job, so first appoint suitable persons to the job; To get a better performance.
3. Learning to manage conflict
In order to become a successful manager, you have to face problems directly and not evade them. In fact, sometimes employees don't work, a company can fail, grass wars start, management has to make critical decisions. You inspire the team, make decisions, set an example for its employees.
4. You have to be yourself.
Some managers think that it is best to behave differently when they become managers, but there is some validity in this belief with regard only to behavior. So be you before management, but develop your style to suit your new position, and in any case you can only behave as you are.
If you're someone who tends to have fun or vice versa tends to be as serious as you are, but just change the way you interact with others and know how you handle it?
But you can never assume that you have to change your personality, or else my dear reader will not hand over from the year the employees who knew you before the promotion, and you may lose their respect.
5. Don't talk about your bosses badly.
Some managers, unfortunately, want to provide their relatives with their employees by talking passively about their bosses or some of the company's guidelines and policies, which are unsatisfactory to the company's employees.
Staff need to manage their frustrations, not gossip about them, so if you don't respect management, but do nothing about it but gossip. Who can change? And who can your staff count on? You're their role model.
And if you follow the strategy of talking about your bosses in front of your staff, you never wonder when they follow. That's if the criticism is real, but what if it's not true? Surely it will create mistrust, the need to train staff and encourage them to solve problems. Instead of blaming others.
6. You know how to manage your emotional intelligence.
Senior author Daniel Goleman identifies 5 dimensions of emotional intelligence as a guide for successful leaders and managers:
Self-awareness: Self-awareness is the first stone for developing emotional intelligence, and it's about knowing what your inner stimuli is? And what are hot buttons or sensitive things for you? Also, what are your specific qualities and shortcomings?
Motives: Meaning a passion for achievement, self - improvement.
Self-regulation: in the sense of organizing and controlling behavioral responses to individuals, and organizing attitudes and events. Empathy: Put yourself where the others are; So you can see the things he sees.
Social skills: In the sense of being sensitive to the human feelings you're dealing with. Social skills are the place where smart leaders are able to recruit all the higher-said skills of emotional intelligence.
And your development of your emotional intelligence is a journey you travel your entire life, so you don't stop at a certain age or even a certain stage and you're a manager.
It's something that's important to you as a normal person above all, and important to you as a director who learns emotional intelligence and teaches your staff to him as well; So you can communicate better, so it's in the company's best interest.
7. Learn how to strengthen the company's financial muscle
How do you know how to be a successful manager without knowing how to keep the company or the enterprise you run? So follow that guidance from successful managers,
which no one will tell you about:
1. Keep Market
There has been a period of time when cigarette companies, such as Camel and Marlboro, went viral in newspapers, radio ,television and even the streets.
In 1970, however, the Government decided to prevent the proliferation of advertising for cigarette companies; Because those ads increased the proportion of young smokers.
Some companies went on to attack and block this decision, but the speeds of what they retracted because they knew that Chinese tobacco companies had decided to enter the American market caused concern for American tobacco companies.
American tobacco companies knew that Chinese companies offered cigarettes of the same quality and quality, but at a lower price.
This will certainly have a significant impact on the profits of American companies, and they have taken the collective decision that they will stop doing advertising anywhere, thus applying this government decision,
and when Chinese companies enter they will not be able to compete significantly; Because
she's not gonna pay like them.
Despite the negative consequences that American companies faced, they were able to maintain their own market; So keeping you on the market is one of the important factors that will help you if you have any money stumbles.
2. Think like a client.
The second step you have to take to strengthen your financial muscles, and be a successful manager is to think like your clients, and ask yourself, what makes a client buy that product or the service you offer?
For example, Oreo Worldwide, which produces biscuits even though it has an annual sales volume of $2 billion.
However, in the year Scout biscuits managed to achieve $700 million of Oreo's market share; Because Girl Scouts were able to identify clients'
needs for biscuits, they found them:
1. Empathy: Clients know that a percentage of the amount they pay for biscuits will go to charity.
2. Seasonal tendency: Customers turn to seasonal products; Because they care about the product that appears at a time and disappears.
3. Presence: The client's time is not much; So they were near him, and they were going to sell at the doorstep, and they were in crowded places.
Although the Scout's biscuit budget is not large; But it's been successful in competing with a giant producer like Oreo for their good understanding of a client's needs.
4. I hear what your clients are hearing: The third step is to "hear," hearing what your clients hear means being aware of news or information
about the product you are offering or about other competing products; So you need to know how well you're advertising on TV or even on the streets.
5. Keep a piece for you: In cases of inflation and price increases, there are successful strategies, such as keeping a piece for yourself, and the point is, if prices are too expensive, you have to consider reducing the amount before you raise the price.
The RED LOBSTER restaurant, which was staffed by renowned entrepreneur Diamond Jones in a certain period, had a problem with increasing prices on its customers, and found another solution, which was to reduce the number of shrimp bits served in their best - selling dish by a per-dish.
When this strategy was implemented, it saved them $1.2 million, and none of the clients noticed it, and they were able to spread more because of their competing prices.
4 core posts for any manager
There are 4 basic functions you have to do that help you figure out how to be a successful manager, and they can probably be followed by any team:
1. Team training
You cannot be a successful manager without having the capacity to train your staff or equip them to do their job.
So think about those situations:
If you're a restaurant manager who makes sandwiches, you need to train them in the ingredients of that sandwich, and how do they get into those ingredients? In what order?
If you're a director of a graphic design company, one customer asked you to design a new logo. You need to make sure that all the information about that design is available to your team, and that they have the necessary equipment.
And you can train your team members whatever on different types of training, but how can you be sure of the quality of training?
You can devote time to staff training, and this training is formal, meaning scheduling with a focus on each individual's employment.
Also watch that everyone learns differently, you meet your staff who loves to learn through listening, seeing, or actual experience, and most employees like to learn through it all.
You need to know each individual's personality patterns; To train them well, there are three types of training you need to recognize:
Training of new staff: What can you get to hire staff with the same competencies as before? You know from your mistakes, my dear boss, and you know the things you've done in the past, and what you can change to get better results?
Training of existing staff in new functions: All the while, there are new tasks you have to report to your staff; So determine how you can transmit information? And to any of the employees on your team?
Training of current staff to improve their performance: You need to train them all the time to help them improve their performance.
2. Organization of the Panel
To be a successful manager, you need to resort to things that do things in an orderly way, make sure that everyone knows where they are in the process, and when it comes to organizing, you need some electronic systems that will help you.
So keep those choices in mind:
Monday: He's gonna help you identify the tasks. Who's gonna do them? And what are her deadlines?
Slack: It helps you to create channels for groups of the team, and to track the tasks assigned to the team by doing so. Google Calendar: It is essential for daily or weekly meetings.
3. Good team contact
One of your core functions as a manager is to communicate with your team in different ways, to balance, which is important to your staff's trust in you, and to the extent to which you are used to confront problems and to base on and confront you without fear.
4. Motivating the team
It's your primary job as a manager to be motivated and inspired by the members of your team. An enthusiastic employee is the key to success, and the manager is the motive behind every success.
But how can you motivate your staff? A stimulus is either an inside thing like a desire for achievement or something from the outside, such as promotion, material motivation, oral appreciation or testimony.
Most important project management systems
Successful managers are those looking for the most important innovations in the field, and the most important systems that can help them get work done faster.
1. Basecamp
It's best used for teams of only 10. It's an excellent application that combines project management, cloud storage, and group conversations.
2. Wrike: It is best used for bands that use graphics or videos.
3. ACTIVE Collab: Preferably for companies that want built - in tools.
4. Asana: Favored for the big teams, and the horse for the blindside level of the organization.
5. Trello: It's the most famous of those tools. It also fits small teams; To accomplish simple tasks.
Work experience in the workplace, and years of experience are the ones that help you figure out how to be a successful manager.
On-the-job training, time spent in the workplace can gain you inexplicable experience, which thousands of articles or courses can't tell you about.
Experience you can gain, but after many years. People running for an administrative position can spend years in management until they are successful managers who can manage others effectively.
I therefore wished to provide you with some practical guidance based on the experience of your predecessors in management; Whether to learn from their mistakes or train to acquire skills or use tools that save you a lot.
I hope that's useful for you, and I hope that you share some of the skills you've learned or the mistakes you've made, and you've learned from them later.
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